[close] Guest Shift Day Vol 2

BAR 010 holds a “GUEST SHIFT DAY” once a month, where they invite guest bartenders. In May, they have a Quarter Room Head Bartender as a special guest.

BAR 010 Guest Shift Day – Vol.2


2024/05/29 (WED) 19:00-22:00

Special Guest Bartender

小坂 駿  @shun_kosaka__


¥6,600-(with 3 Cocktails)

※Additional Cocktail ¥1,800〜 / glass

小坂 駿 Syun Kosaka

Quarter Room Head Bartender

Born in Hiroshima Prefecture, I began my career as a bartender at a hotel bar in Tokyo in 2008. In 2023, I joined Quarter Room in Setagaya-Daita and served as the Head Bartender. Under the guidance of owner Sora Nomura, I learned to combine art and cocktails. I actively participated in various cocktail competitions and won numerous awards.