[close] Katsura Shuncho Rakugo

Shuncho Katsura’s Rakugo Talk Show “Kacho Fukugetsu” will be held.

Shuncho Katsura continues to lead the Kamigata rakugo world by constantly exploring new creative possibilities while continuing the tradition of classical rakugo.

He will be performing the ghost story “Eshimaya Soudou” (The Commotion at Eshimaya).

Please take this opportunity to experience the cool of the summer evening created by Shuncho’s storytelling and THEATER 010’s production.

Zero-Ten presents “花鳥福月” 桂春蝶 落語の会


Part 1 12:30〜14:30(※12:00 door open)

Part 2 15:30〜17:30(※15:00 door open)


unreserved seat

ADV / 4,000JPY
DAY / 4,500 JPY


The Eshimaya Soudou(The Commotion at Eshimaya), the most terrifying ghost story in the world of classical rakugo